Our next Dementia Action Week will take place from 19 - 25 May 2025, where we will continue raise awareness of the importance of a timely and accurate diagnosis for people affected by dementia.
Getting an accurate and timely diagnosis of dementia is important. However, for younger people it can often take much longer. There can be specific reasons for this, including: Young-onset dementia is ...
Our Companion Call service is specifically designed for individuals affected by dementia, providing a warm and supportive channel for conversation. Imagine a regular, friendly telephone call, ...
Sometimes a person with dementia can lose their inhibitions and may behave in ways that others find embarrassing. Sometimes a person with dementia can lose their inhibitions and may behave in ways ...
If you're living with dementia, find out about technology that can help with different aspects of daily life. There are many different technologies that can help you in your everyday life. This ...
Find out what support is available from a GP when a person has dementia, including the role of the GP in dementia care. The GP can support a person even if they don't accept their diagnosis. General ...
Mild cognitive impairment is when a person starts to have problems with their memory or thinking. It can be a sign of a disease that will eventually cause dementia but MCI is not dementia and can be ...
The money you donate helps us continue to provide vital support to thousands of people across England, Wales and Northern Ireland affected by dementia. Your donation will either be added to your phone ...
DiADeM is a tool to support GPs in diagnosing dementia for people living with advanced dementia in a care home setting. It has been developed by the Yorkshire and Humber Dementia Strategic Clinical ...
Read more about how people in Wales with dementia were involved in the development of our dementia strategy. As well as all the work highlighted in the ‘Wales Dementia Strategy: a starter for ten’ ...
Jelly Drops are sweets containing 90 per cent water that can keep people with dementia hydrated. Alzheimer’s Society is partnering with the Jelly Drops team through our Accelerator Programme. Jelly ...
Turning Up the Volume is the largest-ever survey with people with dementia to hear their views and experiences of what daily life is like. Turning Up the Volume: unheard voices of people with dementia ...