2.114The committee recommends that the Department of Health and Aged Care commission research to establish a comprehensive evidence base about the impacts of menopause and perimenopause on women in ...
The Scrutiny of Bills Committee was established in 1981. Its functions, which are set out in Senate standing order 24, are to assess bills against a set of accountability standards that focus on the ...
Edmund Barton (1849-1920) had one of the most distinguished and significant careers of any Australian in public life. He served in both the NSW and federal parliaments and spent over 16 years on the ...
We provide high quality information, analysis and advice to parliamentarians and committees. Government funding to major sporting codes and teams is distributed through both sports-specific programs ...
The select committee concluded its inquiry when it tabled its report on 23/10/02.
7.17The committee recommends that federal, state and territory governments codesign with First Nations families and communities, and on behalf of all Australians, aculturally appropriate and ...
2.131The Committee recommends that the meaning of carer under section 5 of the Carer Recognition Act 2010 (the Act) be modernised and contextualised as a ‘care relationship’ to be more inclusive of ...
2.126That the Australian Government establish a mechanism for co-design with victim-survivors of financial abuse (including through representative groups) in relation to the implementation of ...
2.97The committee recommends that the Australian Government establish the National Sports Injury Database as a matter of urgency, noting this will significantly help address the lack of sports injury ...
2.119The Committee recommends that the Australian Government continues to work towards securing bipartisan support for the international development program, including through indexation, for the long ...
2.172That the Australian Government introduce new, whole-of-economy, dedicated legislation to regulate high-risk uses of AI, in line with Option 3 presented in the government’s Introducing mandatory ...
2.172That the Australian Government introduce new, whole-of-economy, dedicated legislation to regulate high-risk uses of AI, in line with Option 3 presented in the government’s Introducing mandatory ...