Petitioning the Parliament is a long-established fundamental right of the citizen. It is the only direct means by which an individual or group can ask the Parliament to take action—all other processes ...
The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) is collecting this information for the purposes of advising you about Australian Parliament House visitor events, programs and exhibitions; special ...
The Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committees cover the following portfolios: Defence (including Veterans' Affairs), Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The normal flow of the legislative process is that a bill (a draft Act, or, in the terminology of the Constitution, a proposed law) is introduced into one House of Parliament, passed by that House and ...
The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation assesses delegated legislation against a set of scrutiny principles that focus on compliance with statutory requirements, the ...
4.22The Committee recommends the Australian Government investigate the potential benefits of a tax offset for the live music industry. The Treasury, the Office of the Arts and Creative Australia ...
The Parliament consists of two Houses (the Senate and the House of Representatives), and the King, represented in Australia by the Governor General. In 1901 the Australian Constitution established the ...
With every system of election there are two quite separate and distinct processes, the ‘voting’ process and the ‘scrutiny’ process, that is, the counting. The first is performed by the voters in the ...
The Finance and Public Administration Committees covers the following portfolios: Finance, and Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Committee also maintains oversight over three Parliamentary Departments: ...
A senator is a member of the Australian Senate, elected to represent a state or territory. There are 76 senators, 12 from each state and two each from the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern ...
The Senate is one of the two houses of the Australian Federal Parliament. It consists of 76 senators, twelve from each of the six states and two from each of the mainland territories. It shares the ...
Mobile phones must not be used for voice calls and any audible signal from phones or pagers must be turned off. Members who have allowed phones to ring have been directed by the Chair to apologise to ...