DISH is a type of arthritis that affects the tendons and ligaments around your spine. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a type of arthritis that affects tendons and ligaments, mainly ...
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The joint is surrounded by soft tissue called the synovial membrane, which produces a fluid that acts like oil in an engine, allowing your bones to move past one another more smoothly. Physical ...
Diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis? Here’s what you need to know to take control. Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) affects men and women equally, and it usually develops after age 30. Psoriasis and PsA both ...
Outdoor or indoor, cycling is one of the most effective workouts for people with arthritis. It's low-impact, so you get a good workout without pounding on joints, and it strengthens muscles that help ...
Get smart tips to adjust your swing, warm up and keep playing golf even with arthritis. There’s no need to hang up your golf clubs once you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis. After all, the physical ...
Learn to break the cycle of chronic pain and negative emotions. Although it may feel like it’s coming from your joints, pain – particularly the chronic pain common to arthritis – is also an expression ...
Learn how to avoid adding pain to sore knees caused by arthritis by following simple steps for proper squatting and building strength. Squatting is a functional move. It helps you do activities in ...
Question: I am a 20-year-old in okay shape and health, but the joints in my upper and lower back and shoulders are always stiff and snap all the time. Are noisy joints the sign of some problem? A: ...
Learn the difference between gout and rheumatoid arthritis – symptoms, causes and treatments. Question: I am a 50-year-old man recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). But I have had joint ...
Get more information about what flares of RA symptoms have shown researchers and how it could help you better communicate with your doctor and manage your condition. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a ...
Many forms of arthritis and related conditions cause problems like pain, stiffness and swelling in the elbows. If you are experiencing pain, swelling and stiffness in the elbows, you may have one of ...