He at JAAC-CV and I at ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS ESTUDANTS DO LICEU DA PRAIA. This all up to the moment of the violent outburst! Until Paicv's order for the political extinction of the Students' Association - in ...
With the aim of preserving and spreading his grandfather's musical legacy, Nilton founded his school with a clear dream: to train new generations of drummers, keeping alive one of the oldest ...
Nova Sintra residents today expressed their discontent with the unfinished work on Rua Direita, which has caused inconvenience to residents, traders and passers-by. According to reports gathered by ...
Cape Verde has been recognized as one of the African countries with the most press freedom, ranking 5th on the continent and 41st globally, according to the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, released by ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified Cape Verde as a malaria-free country in 2024, marking a significant advance for public health in the archipelago. The certification is granted to ...
Às vezes fico a perguntar o que move determinadas pessoas quando esforçam-se por arrolar argumentos em defesa de situações que todos estamos a assistir de cabelos em pé. Sim, a grande e poderosa ...
In statements to journalists, Amândio Brito explained that the work on the aforementioned street was agreed between the former municipality and a contractor, through a call for tenders, through which ...
On March 12, 2025, an impressive phenomenon was recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Cape Verde archipelago. The image, captured by the MODIS sensor on board the Terra satellite, reveals swirls of ...