Canada’s Volunteer Awards (CVA) recognizes volunteers, not-for-profit organizations, social enterprises and businesses for their contributions across the country. The Awards highlight the many ways ...
What Indigenous Peoples should know about the tax return they send to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and how that return can result in various benefit payments. If you have personal property, ...
Governor in Council (GIC) appointments are those made by the Governor in Council—the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet. An Order in Council is the legal instrument, which, when signed ...
The G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and ...
Special measures for the Work-Sharing Program in response to the threat or potential realization of U.S. tariffs are in effect from March 7, 2025 until March 6, 2026. Further details regarding the ...
Enter a department name or abbreviation to find current Government of Canada departments, agencies, crown corporations and special operating agencies.
The Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) was established in 2005 as a 15-year program with funding of $4.54 billion from the Government of Canada. The program was renewed for another 15 ...
Cannabis, illegal drugs and some prescription drugs can impair your ability to drive safely and increase the risk of getting into a collision. In fact, impaired driving is the leading criminal cause ...
National classification system for contaminated sites Supplemental guidance for the scoring of sites using the national classification system for contaminated sites (NCSCS) and aquatic sites ...
Minister of Canadian Culture and Identity, Parks Canada and Quebec Lieutenant ...
L’Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique s’emploie à créer des possibilités de croissance économique dans la région en aidant les entreprises à devenir plus concurrentielles, innovatrices ...