The press briefing ahead of the Eurogroup meeting will take place on Thursday, 13 February at 14.30. The briefing will be "off the record" and will be given by Tuomas Saarenheimo, President of the ...
The Budget Committee handles work on EU budget matters. It deals with the annual budgetary procedure of the EU and with amendments to the annual EU budget. It also deals with the annual budget ...
Ministri EÚ diskutovali o návrhu nástroja núdzovej pomoci pre jednotný trh (SMEI), ktorý Európska komisia predložila 19.
De Raad neemt de wet inzake noodsituaties en veerkracht voor de interne markt (Imera) aan, het vroegere nood­instrument voor ...
Rada schválila dohodu, jíž dosáhlo německé předsednictví a Evropský parlament ohledně programu EU pro jednotný trh na období ...
Dies ist die offizielle Website des Rates der EU und des Europäischen Rates. Für die Redaktion verantwortlich ist das Generalsekretariat des Rates, das den Rat der EU und den Europäischen Rat ...
We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help ...
Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience de navigation possible sur le site web du Conseil. Certains cookies servent à compiler des statistiques agrégées concernant les ...
We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help ...
Folosim cookie-uri pentru a ne asigura că veți avea o experiență cât mai bună de navigare pe site-ul Consiliului. Anumite cookie-uri sunt utilizate pentru a obține statistici agregate referitoare la ...
За да може да работи във всички области, които изискват използването на класифицирана информация на ЕС (КИЕС), Съветът трябва да има всеобща система за сигурност за защита на тази информация.