Taryba į asmenų, grupių, susivienijimų ir subjektų, kurie yra susiję su ISIL („Da’esh“) ir „Al-Qaida“ ir kuriems taikomos ES ribojamosios priemonės, sąrašą įtraukė fondą „Al Azaim Foundation for Media ...
Coreper I is composed of each country's deputy permanent representatives. Its meetings are chaired by the deputy permanent representative of the country holding the presidency of the Council of the ...
Utilizamos cookies para asegurarnos de que tenga usted la mejor experiencia de navegación posible en el sitio web del Consejo. Ciertas cookies sirven para obtener estadísticas agregadas sobre las ...
Le Coreper (1re partie) se compose des représentants permanents adjoints de chaque pays. Il est présidé par le représentant permanent adjoint du pays qui exerce la présidence du Conseil des affaires ...
Discover facts and figures about the number of meetings, the participants and the conclusions adopted by the European Council between 1975 and 2024. December 2024 marks 50 years since the birth of the ...
Im Rat der EU sind die Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten vertreten. Nationale Ministerinnen und Minister sowie Sachverständige aus den einzelnen EU-Ländern treten für folgende Aufgaben im Rat der EU ...
The press conference will be in physical format only: EU accredited journalists will be able to participate and ask questions in person in Europa building press room.
How to win in the context of a seven-point plan for sustainable peace in Ukraine; Trump-Putin and the prospects for a negotiation on Ukraine; Ukraine’s fight for Ukrainian refugee and diaspora engagem ...
This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council ...
Omotnica u iznosu do 2 milijarde eura predviđena Instrumentom najveći je paket financijske potpore EU-a Moldovi od njezine ...
Platby budou podléhat přísným podmínkám z hlediska plnění reforem stanovených v dohodnutém programu reforem. Finanční ...
De Raad heeft vandaag definitief groen licht gegeven voor de oprichting van de hervormings- en groei­faciliteit voor Moldavië, een nieuw instrument om EU-gerelateerde hervormingen en economische groei ...