The Euclid space telescope brings the Einstein Ring into view. Check out the accidental discovery and what it looks like ...
Learn about the El Mirón cave in northern Spain, home to the unusually red bones of a buried woman and ancient carnivores ...
Learn how time scales for objects thousands versus millions of years old could be better synchronized.
Wearable devices and fitness apps allow users to quantify every aspect of physical activity. Is it helping or hurting?
From curiosity to discovery, together.
Dive into the findings of the first detailed study of plesiosaur skin, which was a strange mosaic of textures.
Learn more about norovirus, how to prevent contracting it, and why this year has seen such a surge in cases.
Some bacteria abide against antibiotics not because they are good at hiding, but because their growth slows when nutrients ...
Scientists discover altermagnets, which have favorable properties of both of the two other kinds.
Researchers have hacked living cockroaches to create new search-and-rescue tech.
Learn more about the Black women who worked tirelessly to help heal patients and find a cure for tuberculosis.
The discovery of two Grand Canyons on the moon and analysis of the lunar south pole area will prepare astronauts for Artemis ...