Nato come critica al capitalismo, il Nosferatucore riflette il paradosso del revival goth, commercializzato dalle stesse ...
Born as a critique of capitalism, the Nosferatu-core reflects the paradox of the goth revival, commercialized by the very digital platforms that embody unbridled consumerism.
La serie Rai dedicata a Oriana Fallaci ricostruisce il suo mondo attraverso dettagli materici e sonori, restituendo il ritmo ...
Telo, azienda USA co-fondata dal designer svizzero, ha presentato un prototipo guidabile del suo furgone elettrico compatto e ...
La Cityzen Tower di ZHA a Tbilisi in Georgia è una torre che si contorce espandendo verso l’alto il paesaggio naturale che la ...
The company, co-founded by the Swiss designer, unveiled a drivable prototype with finished interiors of its compact and ...
The Rai series dedicated to Oriana Fallaci reconstructs her world through tactile and sonic details, capturing the pulse of journalism and the dawn of modernity.
ZHA's first construction in Georgia, the Cityzen Tower,  is a skyscraper that contorts itself by expanding upwards the ...
To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Tortona Rocks sheds any pre-established theme and embraces the endless possibilities of ...
Seventeen glazed ceramic figurines created by the Australian musician tell the story of a Devil—far more human than one might ...
The third issue of Domus, edited by guest editor Bjarke Ingels, is dedicated to concrete, the anti-hero of architecture who ...
After a long career of memorable projects, the architect and founder of American firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro has died at ...