The event took place at Providence College and hosted over 200 athletes from 19 teams, all competing for the gold.
The Barrington Town Council is discussing whether to allow installation of speed zone cameras in locations around town. A ...
Your colorful, clever illustration of a densely packed area filled with housing developments can never happen in Tiverton.
The Portsmouth High boys’ varsity basketball team’s season came to an end Tuesday night at the hands of a Classical team that ...
Barrington resident Jeff Norman snapped some photographs of a rare albino robin on Saturday afternoon, March 8. Norman and ...
Rhode Island Craft Beer Week is going on now through Sunday, March 16, at many locations throughout the Ocean State.
Wondering why your energy bill is through the roof? You’ll have a chance to find out, next Monday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m., ...
I am responding to the article on “affordable housing” in Little Compton. Firstly I will say that I agree 100 percent with ...
Barrington · Bristol · East Providence · Little Compton · Portsmouth · Tiverton · Warren · Westport ...