For neurodiversity celebration week, Triona Brading shares her experience of church as an autistic Christian – and tips for ...
Calvin Birnie explores the life and legacy of Saint Patrick and what we might learn from him about mission today.
As the new government reimagines the NHS and increases focus on health services in the community, churches have a unique ...
The first in our three-part series helping leaders and leadership teams prevent, prepare for and navigate crises in their ...
Tuesday, 25 March is an opportunity to to unite in praying for the sick, the poor and the future of our health and social ...
As the war in Ukraine seems to have ramped up in recent weeks, we are grateful to continue to hear stories of hope and even ...
Jo Frost explores the worldly values of fame, celebrity and reputation and why Jesus chases after a very different prize and ...
Iranian Christian Bahar Shahabi shares her experience of Ramadan and suggests ways we can pray for our Muslim friends at this ...
Klara Ferreira, originally from South Africa, explains why she loves living in Wales, and shares her hopes for the nation ...
Culturally South Asian women in many nations have been seen as subordinate to men, but when I read the Bible and see the way ...
The year 2025 means we are now officially a quarter of the way through the 21st century. Our current world is very different to the dizzy heights of the new millennium – in some ways it couldn’t be ...
We serve the wider church. We recognise the vital role healthy churches play in equipping and sustaining public leaders for every walk of life. So we create resources to serve Christians in leadership ...