A thick, creamy beverage popular on the Azim Steppe made from steeped fermented tea leaves and a generous helping of dzo milk. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by ...
A traditional dish of the Highland Hyur consisting of a thick cut of aldgoat chuck charred over an open flame. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple ...
The seedling of a squat shrub favored by topiarists across the realm for its bright-green leaves and dense web of tiny branches.
Favored by sailors, this bundle of cotton cloth is resistant to wrinkles even when wet. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 1 gil ...
Rich and creamy buffalo milk harvested immediately before the beast falls asleep. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings) ...
A crystallized mass of residual spiritbond energies transferred to an article of weaponry or armor by the Good King Moggle Mog XII during its creation.
Crystallized memory that once belonged to a scrappy soldier of uncommon resolve. ※Only available for use in the Forbidden Land, Eureka.
A massive reinforced glass tank that, when filled with water, can serve as a home for select wavekin caught in the wild. The higher an aquarium's tier, the larger the specimens that can be kept within ...
A large round cog removed from Alexander's Gordias sector. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 23 gil ...
Birch sap boiled down to a thick, sweet syrup. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 2 gil ...
Partially vitrified bricks favored for their superior hardness and durability. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 1 gil ...
A crystallized mass of residual spiritbond energies transferred to an article of weaponry or armor by its exceptionally skilled maker during the crafting process.