Ohio lawmakers introduced legislation on March 13 to establish a regulatory framework for carbon capture and sequestration.
The grain markets have been volatile, reacting to updated information with every new report, and Marlin Clark expects price changes to stay unpredictable.
Tami Gingrich offers a look inside the lives and habits of mourning doves, attempting to answer the question: "Are they truly ...
Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District education specialist Kelly Riley explains the benefits of putting off spring ...
An old proverb says “The borrower is slave to the lender.” Taking that another direction: It’s mighty easy to become ...
Grazyne Tresoldi, assistant professor of animal welfare at Ohio State University, explains the nuances of animal welfare and ...
The North Eastern Ohio Forestry Association will meet at 7 p.m. on March 20 in the McMahon Hall at Mill Creek MetroParks Farm ...
The Center for Dairy Excellence will host the next monthly Pennsylvania Agriculture HPAI Conference Call at 1 p.m. on March ...
The Ohio Youth Beef Council helps young adults explore careers in the beef industry, develop leadership skills and engage in ...
Ohio State Extension educator Catelyn Turner outlines water quality considerations for livestock and ways to ensure ...
Item No. 1285 appears to be some sort of machete with a valve soldered on the side and small hole near the tip. It measures ...
Bob and Jeff Grudosky are raising Miniature Herefords on 18 acres split between their two farms, and they're giving others ...