Farmers can now submit their 2025 revenue claim for the Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) ...
A new line of flours have been launched by a group of UK farmers dedicated to regenerative principles such as slashing pesticide use and boosting biodiversity.
A new survey of Welsh farms participating in the Breeding Bird Survey has revealed encouraging signs for several bird species of conservation concern.
An animal feed manufacturer has been ordered to pay out nearly £600,000 after a worker lost his arm after becoming entangled in a conveyor.
Sussex Police and the NFU have funded 1,000 specialist equipment marking kits in a bid to help farmers deter thieves from stealing vital farming equipment.
Business and agricultural property reliefs are still valuable for farming businesses to utilise even when they change next year, rural finance experts say.
A farming roundtable has met with the Food Security Minister to explain the "crushing impact" of Defra’s decision to close ...
Holstein champion Mag Pandor has been crowned Supreme Champion at the 2025 Borderway UK Dairy Expo for a second consecutive time.
Holstein champion Mag Pandor has been crowned Supreme Champion at the 2025 Borderway UK Dairy Expo for a second consecutive ...
Rural campaigners have criticised the government’s proposed changes to compulsory purchase orders as 'another attack' on the ...
An agronomist who was diagnosed with cancer after noticing a small lump in his neck has urged farmers to act quickly should ...
The continued strong beef prices at the livestock marts, up almost 25% on last year, is encouraging Scotland's beef farmers to "stick in".