Apples used in sweet cider are usually seconds or culls grown for the fresh market, managed the same as other fresh apples.
Predictive models show that Southwest Michigan, the state’s largest vineyard region, would be an attractive environment for ...
Tristan earned a master’s degree in horticulture from Stellenbosch University. He is married to Georgine and is the son of ...
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, a nationwide group that collectively promotes American blueberries, is considering ...
Teah Smith, an entomologist and pest consultant for Zirkle Fruit Co., said she and her scouts look for apples with codling ...
Walt Duflock, a fifth-generation California farmer, considers his state a cautionary tale for Washington. Labor costs have ...
Washington growers, here is your chance to let the state know how its regulations impact the bottom line of your business.The ...
On Feb. 13, the Trump administration began serious cutbacks to the federal workforce, terminating thousands of recently hired employees across numerous agencies, including scientists and technicians ...