Teah Smith, an entomologist and pest consultant for Zirkle Fruit Co., said she and her scouts look for apples with codling ...
Walt Duflock, a fifth-generation California farmer, considers his state a cautionary tale for Washington. Labor costs have ...
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, a nationwide group that collectively promotes American blueberries, is considering ...
Isaacs was encouraged by the drone’s performance. Making border applications with drones could be an efficient way to treat ...
The Stay at Work and Preferred Worker programs use L&I premiums to reimburse employers for part of the wages and expenses of ...
The Stay at Work and Preferred Worker programs use L&I premiums to reimburse employers for part of the wages and expenses of ...
Washington growers, here is your chance to let the state know how its regulations impact the bottom line of your business.The ...
Lindell’s lab conducted netting studies in 2023 and 2024. They used ExcludeNet bought from The Berry Patch in Stephentown, ...
Codling moth has long been an arch nemesis of apple and pear growers, and organic growers in particular report an increase in ...
Codling moth is a major pest of apples in Adams County, where most of Pennsylvania’s apples grow. For the most part, a ...
Researchers shared both good and bad news about the spotted lanternfly during the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market EXPO in December. The bad news: The invasive pest continues to spread ...
Regardless of the disease, management requires a multipronged approach: Use fungicides with a rotation of different modes of ...