Siobhan’s Superstar Legacy was set up by Siobhan’s parents, Antony and Sarah Mather, in memory of their daughter after she ...
We are very grateful that so many of you recognise the cutting-edge research carried out at The Institute of Cancer Research.
The Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, is the largest academic cancer drug discovery and development group worldwide. Its research groups cover every aspect ...
The dedication of these charities, set up when a family has been touched by cancer, drives forward our research immeasurably. We are so grateful to work with such passionate organisations and receive ...
Tina Regan, 68, has been touched by cancer personally and has seen the devastating impact it has had on her immediate family. That is why she has pledged to leave a gift in her Will to fund our vital ...
Scientists have developed a tool which helps them better understand cancer’s survival tactics and could eventually lead to new treatments for dozens of cancer types. Some cancers are caused by ...
Image of human melanoma tissue, with melanoma cells in green and purple extracellular matrix fibres arranged perpendicular at the border of the tumour. Credit Oscar Maiques Carlos Scientists have ...
Scientists have shown for the first time that some of the most persistent cancer cells in glioblastoma, a common type of adult brain tumour, rely on a specific enzyme for survival and that inhibiting ...
We are passionate about inspiring the cancer researchers of the future. We work closely with local secondary schools to highlight the broad range of careers in science, and encourage a diverse and ...
The Adult Drug Development Unit (DDU) at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, comprises an internationally-leading group of >100 staff focused on early ...
Professor Peter Garland CBE, who served as Chief Executive of the ICR from 1989 to 1999, passed away on 5 March. He also played an important role as the Chair of Cambridge Antibody Technology (CAT) ...