Many are now seeing for themselves the significant parts of the Gaza Strip that have been left in ruins: gaping holes, ...
Toutes les personnes encore retenues en otage doivent être libérées. Les habitants de Gaza ont besoin d’un répit face aux ...
Gain insights into the ICRC's role in developing and promoting international humanitarian law and policy. We have offices in ...
Jerusalem (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) safely facilitated the fifth release operation today, ...
Jerusalem (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today safely transferred three hostages out of Gaza to ...
In 2024, communities in Afghanistan continued to face significant challenges to access basic necessities such as healthcare, ...
Nous invitons les organisations, les institutions et les philanthropes à nous rejoindre dans notre mission visant à atténuer ...
Essential services have been badly affected by the fighting in the past few days in Goma, the largest city in North Kivu, ...
El analista de datos regional en el ámbito de la cooperación con los socios del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media luna Roja (El Movimiento) para las Américas contribuye con su ...
在人口稠密地区使用重型火炮会对困于战火中的平民带来毁灭性影响。由于电线和变压器在战斗中被破坏,城市的电力供应被切断,给人道行动和公共卫生造成严重影响。 一些医疗机构竭力维持卫生标准,以防止感染扩散;有些医院中依赖呼吸机的患者不幸离世。
金沙萨(红十字国际委员会) - ...