justice is superior and not the principles of law. Law is only a support system to be used to reach justice. Therefore, justice can be said to be dependent on law but is not the same as law. Justice ...
Preamble: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution emphasizes securing social, economic, and political justice to ensure equality for all citizens. This aligns with Rawls' theory, which aims to ...
This Court has carefully gone through the permit which is. on record and the National Permit is certainly valid up to. 13.10.2017. The authorization fee was required to be paid on ...
The Supreme Court has noted that the intention of a constitution is to outline principles rather than specific details. This allows for flexibility in interpretation, enabling the constitution to ...
It cannot be denied that when a Police officer effects arrest pursuant to the power conferred on him by Cr.P.C, he is carrying out a public duty. The matter is not between the official effecting ...
20. Insofar as the present case is concerned, since the Sessions Judge has not awarded any victim compensation to the second Respondent, we request the High Court to consider the case for the purpose ...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a landmark document that serves as a global roadmap for freedom and equality, safeguarding the rights of every individual, everywhere. Adopted by ...
1. By the present appeal, the appellant - Insurance Company challenges the judgment and order dated 11.12.2012 passed by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Osmanabad in MACP No.12 of 2009, granting ...
The Indian Penal Code (IPC) of 1860 outlines the punishments criminal courts can administer to individuals found liable under the code. Section 53 of the IPC details these punishments, which include ...
Aim, is rehabilitation and reformation of offender into into law-abiding citizen. This theory condemns all forms of corporal punishments. Prisons, correctional homes should humanly treat the law ...
Punishment is the imposition of a penalty for wrongdoing. Several theories justify punishment, each with distinct goals and principles. These theories include deterrent, retributive, preventive, ...
Since hospital records are neither conclusive of rights nor are instruments as between parties, this Court is of the opinion that the argument that PW 19's oral evidence contradicts hospital records, ...