It is definitely in the fitness of things that while setting the record straight the Kerala High Court at Ernakulam in a most ...
I am a nominee for the open plot in a coop house building society of my deceased father I have paid by means of a bank draft ...
Sir I am from Kerala as per an appeal of the land owner the rent control court fixed a fair rent in 2010 for my room again ...
In India 'family matters' refers to legal issue related to divorce, adoption, marriage, child custody, alimony, domestic violence, and inheritance all of these come under the family matters.
My landlord filed a false FIR to vacate me using Land Grabbing Law of 2020 I filed a petition in Gujarat High Court to quash ...
Dear experts I have filed a commercial suit before city civil court based on the supply of the goods The defendants had ...
Two parties entered into an agreement for sale purchase From the day one the vendors gave exclusive possession of the land to ...
IndexIntroductionHistorical Development of Suicide Laws in IndiaShift from Criminalization to DecriminalizationAssisted ...
We have filed an SLP in the supreme court in 2023 After compleating impleadment document submission the court posted the case ...
After a car accident, especially when it's not your fault, knowing the right steps to take can make a significant difference.
The integration of digital evidence into the legal process not only enhances investigative methods but also poses challenges ...
As technology continues to evolve, personal injury cases increasingly intersect with emerging tech innovations.