SOME very special ‘paw-scriptions’ were filled out at University of Limerick’s beloved annual teddy bear hospital this week.
LIMERICK man Christopher O’Mahony was unmasked by his daughter and sister-in-law as a “monster” and “paedophile” who sexually ...
THE bravery of Clare’s Dragoons and the Jacobite Warwill feature in the upcoming Shannon Archaeological and Historical ...
AN BORD Pleanála has granted planning permission to Shannon LNG Limited for a power plant with a total installed capacity of ...
LIMERICK Chamber has welcomed four new members to its board, following its recent elections. Denise Croker, of Regenron, ...
THE Irish Centre for Transnational Studies is set to lead a symposium on the theme of ‘Contested (Hi)Stories in Media and ...
The Treaty City was ablaze with the sounds of marching bands once again this Sunday as the 53rd International Band Competition passed through.
A WOMAN who promised she would remove a caravan illegally parked on a site in County Limerick three years ago still hasn't done so, a judge was told.
The Independent councillor said the Tenant In Situ Scheme was "one of the few schemes which was actually working".
"The neighbourhood has become an overflow car park for UL and this is not what these estates were designed for,” the Labour councillor said.