Organizer: Mel Wohlgemuth, University of Arizona and Ed O’Brien, Pennsylvania State University INTRODUCTORY SPEAKER: Ricardo Samms, Eli Lilly and Co.
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is the NASA Astrophysics Division’s next flagship mission. Roman will conduct surveys of the sky to help reveal some of our Universe’s most interesting ...
The Frontiers of Science symposium series was created as the first program of the National Academy of Sciences targeted specifically for early career scientists. Frontiers was designed to bridge the ...
Distinctive Voices highlights innovations, discoveries, and emerging issues in an exciting and engaging public forum. Do you wonder how things work? What the future holds? If you are curious about the ...
Keiko U. Torii, PhD is Professor and Johnson & Johnson Centennial Chair in Plant Cell Biology at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, The University of Texas at Austin. She is also a Howard Hughes ...
As a cellular immunologist I study the development of T lymphocytes in the thymus and the response of mature T cells to pathogens. The focus of study is the subset of T cells that bear the CD8 marker ...
The focus of Guinevere Kauffmann's research has been to establish a connection between theoretical models of structure formation in the Universe and the properties of the luminous galaxies that we ...
Marcia McNutt is a geophysicist and president of the National Academy of Sciences. From 2013 to 2016, she served as editor-in-chief of the Science journals. Prior to joining Science, she was director ...
In the past, I have studied the relationships between viruses and the host's immune system, particularly the specificity of T cells for the self-MHC-molecules and viral peptides, their positive ...
The NAS Award for Scientific Discovery is presented every two years to recognize an accomplishment or discovery in basic research, achieved within the previous five years, that is expected to have a ...
As one of the first computational biologists I have contributed in four areas: methodology, analysis of protein and nucleic acid structure, molecular dynamics, and ab initio protein folding. My ...
Barbara Finlayson-Pitts is Professor of Chemistry Recalled at the University of California, Irvine, UCI Distinguished Professor Emerita and Co-Director of AirUCI. She did her undergraduate degree at ...