The promise of free and discounted pot did little to boost low turnout in San Jose.
An anti-porn Texas law before the U.S. Supreme Court could overturn decades of precedent.
DeRemer clears HELP; Lieu looks to save AI Safety Institute; and Slotkin to give Dem response.
Trump’s position in rural America is not as solid as it has been.
The third installment in our series shows that the president's appetite for revenge has not abated.
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Former Rep. Dave Weldon accused the pharmaceutical lobby of blocking his nomination because of his views over vaccine-safety ...
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The former president called for a national moratorium at a time when public support for capital punishment is at a 40-year low.
The Senate will proceed with its vote-a-rama, while waiting on a divided GOP House Conference to sort through differences on ...
Ahead of second GOP debate, the president responded to the candidate’s attacks.