When the experimental XB-1 aircraft achieved supersonic speeds on a test flight, it did not create a disruptive sonic boom – ...
YR4 does smash down on the lunar surface, the explosion might be visible from Earth and would leave a new crater on the near ...
Albert Einstein himself thought that the eponymous Einstein ring would be impossible to observe, but the Euclid telescope has ...
Seismic waves suggest the planet's solid inner core is being pulled out of shape – and it has undergone these changes over ...
Although the climate goals set by the Paris Agreement are based on the long-term average temperature, one year of high ...
Unexpected epochs of stillness that punctuate the cosmic timeline could offer a natural explanation for dark matter and many ...
Clothes and fishing nets that are made of nylon often end up in landfill or dumped in oceans, but a new way to break down the ...
A rocky planet less than half the mass of Earth seems to have an atmosphere made almost entirely of sulphur dioxide – this ...
Genetic analysis suggests a form of mosquito found in urban subway systems evolved in the Middle East thousands of years ago ...
A lidar scanner has a resolution so high it can image ridges and indentations of only 1 millimetre on objects hundreds of ...
Turning old fighter jets into a fine powder and using that to 3D print new components is a more sustainable way to build the ...
Mit dem Ziel, entschlossen einen Beitrag zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels und der vorherrschenden Energiekrise zu leisten, plant und entwickelt die G ...