Sharon voters approved a $7.1 million school bond for major renovations and additions to their elementary school, along with both school and town budgets during annual meetings this week. The bond ...
Less than 24 hours after suffering a loss in the Yankee Conference Championship game, the Knights waited to hear if their name would be called for a chance to go compete for a national championship in ...
On Town Meeting Day, Barnard voters will be asked to ratify a 15-year lease of the old fire station to BarnArts Center for the Arts for $1 a year. In exchange, BarnArts will be turning an unusable ...
Once again, Vermont has made it through Town Meeting Day and, though it’s a test of endurance for those who participate, it’s to our great benefit. In Granville, Kate Stauss used her time during the “ ...
Rochester voters held their town meeting for 2025 on Monday evening, March 3 at the school auditorium. Longtime moderator Dan McKinley welcomed everyone, sharing an invocation from the town of ...
The Seven Stars Arts Center on Route 14 in Sharon will host a St. Paddy’s Day celebration Friday, March 21 at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6:30 p.m., and music by Jim Rooney, Colin McCaffrey, Patti ...
John W. Gardner Chelsea—Marcella “Marcie” Lorraine Bletz Avery passed away on February 27, 2025, after a difficult battle with declining health. She left this life on her own terms, choosing the ...
Barnard voters have approved a proposal to lease the town’s former fire department building to BarnArts Center for the Arts. By a 66-41 vote on Town Meeting Day, they gave the green light to a project ...
On October 29, 1943, my father, Etienne Aberth, an immigrant from Strasbourg, France, signed up with the U.S. Navy, little more than two weeks after his seventeenth birthday. He was assigned to the ...
Galen C. “Bud” Collins, 83, died at Magnolias of Lancaster on February 17, 2025. He was the husband of Leila Mary (Linn) Collins. Born June 5, 1941, in Randolph, he was the son of the late Nettie J.
Randolph Union High School science teacher Deb Schaner and Randolph Elementary School fifth-grade teacher Amanda Cotter have been nominated for National Life Group’s 2024- 25 LifeChanger of the Year ...
The Randolph Union High School varsity bowling team traveled to Colchester on Saturday, March 1 for the 2025 team state tournament. Randolph was seeded first going into the tournament and feeling ...