Unbeknownst to the unions, it’s clear that this was always Mr Winter’s plan to publicly oppose any sales but to prepare an escape route through a committee. Labor have reverted back to their old guard ...
Dean Winter has been caught out as a pro-privatisation advocate. After a week of attempting to launch a scare campaign, damning comments have shown Dean Winter's credibility is in tatters. In an ABC ...
Minister for Parks, Nick Duigan, said while already offering some of the most advanced spatial data infrastructure in the country, the Common Operating Platform and the LISTMap, the Land Information ...
The audit – which will form a key part of the Government’s war on red tape, will be undertaken by an independent auditor soon to be appointed. Treasurer, Guy Barnett, said the goal of the audit is ...
Tasmania has topped the nation in business confidence, according to the latest NAB Monthly Business Survey. The NAB Survey also shows Tasmania is ranked second in business conditions, only just behind ...
Leader of the House, Eric Abetz, said the Government will be taking red tape to task through the Parliament. “Tasmania has the highest number of legislative restrictions per capita in Australia, 74 ...
The Justice Miscellaneous (Reporting Procedures) Bill has been tabled in Parliament today. The Bill contains amendments to reporting procedures in several Acts across Tasmania’s justice system.
The iconic King Island Dairy cheese brand will continue to be a staple in thousands of households for years to come with the Dairy returning to Australian ownership – securing hundreds of King Island ...
The Member for Pembroke has launched an attack on the Labor Leader after he revealed his secret plan to hike up charges and gouged Tasmanians through Government Business price hikes.
“Tasmania is already the State of entrepreneurs and innovators, but we want our State to be the best place in the nation to start a new business," the Premier said. “This single permit will make ...