This draft framework document from the Local Government Association and the Improvement and Development Agency responds to the proposed changes to the way in which localities are governed. It is ...
The voluntary sector is being urged to create a fund to encourage larger organisations to work in partnership with smaller ones on certain projects. The call comes in a new report , “1+1 = 3. Does ...
A toolkit has been developed to help care, health and housing agencies ensure that older people are involved more effectively in decisions about how services are delivered. The guide has been ...
The Government is considering bringing in legislation that would mean hospitals and local authority and privately run care and nursing homes having to comply with a statutory hygiene code. The Health ...
This new edition of Team Players and Teamwork incorporates 16 more years of research and major changes in technology and team styles since the first edition was published. Glenn Parker has included a ...
The Home Office evaluation of the impact of piloting and early national implementation of Neighbourhood policing shows results broadly consistent with the international evidence. Adoption overseas has ...
Environmental campaigners and the motoring organisation, the RAC Foundation, have joined forces to call today for the reinstatement of funding for the programme to make road surfaces quieter. The ...
Moor people are being encouraged to come forward as school governors and there are plans to provide them with better support and training. Reforms aimed at modernising the teaching profession will ...
The elderly population of the UK is growing rapidly. By 2032 people aged 65-plus are expected to make up almost a quarter of the population. Because of local opposition to planning applications it is ...
Since the late 1990s, the patterns of employment and retirement of people in their fifties and early sixties have become a central policy concern – not just in the UK but throughout the developed ...
This report from the Local Government Association urges Whitehall to loosen its grip on the powers it holds across England to help create a million new jobs. The LGA urges Ministers to follow the ...
The Conservatives have joined the debate over the future role of the Civil Service. The party’s proposals to ensure probity in government come as the Committee on Standards in Public Life (the Wicks ...