Dupilumab vs placebo was linked to improved health-related quality of life and respiratory symptoms in patients with COPD and T2 inflammation.
The Food and Drug Administration has granted Fast Track designation to LTG-001 for the treatment of acute pain.
Ascent Consumer Products Inc. is recalling 1 lot of SinuCleanse Soft Tip Squeeze Bottle Nasal Wash System due to microbial contamination.
Pleural effusion was independently linked to increased all-cause mortality in US veterans with CHF, cancer, and pneumonia.
Ultra-rapid digital droplet PCR can measure the levels of tumor cells in a tissue sample during surgery in about 15 minutes.
Individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 were at increased risk for severe health complications up to 30 months after discharge.
PFAS found in food and water have been linked to a number of serious health concerns, but are particularly dangerous for children.
Natural killer cell deficiency should be considered in patients susceptible to herpes or papilloma viruses with persistently decreased NK cell function.
The FDA has expanded the approval of Odactra to include treatment of house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis in pediatric patients aged 5 to 11 years.
Allergen Powder-dnfp] is now available for the treatment of pediatric patients aged 1 to 3 years with peanut allergy.
Melatonin supplementation was linked to borderline significant increase in an indicator of oxidative DNA damage repair capacity.
Among adolescents, self-perception of overweight status may be more linked to suicidal ideation than actual weight.