The body of a Colorado man was recovered near Midgley Bridge in what appears to be a suicide. According to Sedona Police Sgt. Stephanie Foley, the body was identified as 33-year-old Brent Wilkins.
Join Sedona Arts Center on Wednesday, Mar. 19, from 4-6 p.m. for an artists’ reception, programmed in conjunction with the ...
The Sedona City Council voted 5-1 on Jan. 28, with Councilwoman Kathy Kinsella opposed and Vice Mayor Holli Ploog absent, to approve a developer’s ...
For nearly a quarter century, Audree Juhlin has been a mainstay with the city of Sedona. Despite wearing several hats during her tenure, her goal has remained the same — to serve the public and make ...
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church launched its spring “Shout for Joy” concert series on Sunday, March 9, with a viola recital of ...
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church launched its spring “Shout for Joy” concert series on Sunday, March 9, with a viola recital of 20th- and 21st-century works by Flagstaff Symphony principal viola ...
The Sedona Sister Cities Association hosted a town hall at Sedona City Hall on Saturday, Feb. 22, to hear presentations from Jeremy Elbourne, the executive director of artsPlace in Canmore, Alberta, ...
Teachers across Arizona continue to protest low public education funding from the state with strikes, demonstrations and marches on the Capitol building in Phoenix. And there’s no end in sight: The ...
“A foot rodeo is basically a rodeo complete with all of the events such as barrel racing, bull riding, roping and wild cow milking, but without the live animals,” Recreation Coordinator Ali Baxter ...
Nearby residents came prepared with their questions and concerns while the developers were ready with the answers. In the end, both sides seemed to find middle ground regarding a proposed 30-lot ...
It’s a bit of a development déjà vu. More than a decade ago a planned subdivision west of Bristlecone Pines Road and north of State Route 89A was nearing the end of the city approval process when ...