Four bioscience winners were selected from 30 finalists at the annual STEM for BRITAIN competition for early career ...
The Royal Society of Biology (RSB) invites applications from researchers wishing to host an undergraduate studentship in plant health over the summer of 2025. Please read our guidance for applicants ...
SciberMonkey is an excellent website that points students and teachers to thousands of resources spanning age 5-16 biology chemistry and physics. The Practical Biology website has a wide variety of ...
Pursuing a career in biology is stimulating and rewarding. The RSB support biologists with career advice, professional recognition and training events.
The resources are aimed at post-16 students taking biology (or related subjects) to A level, Scottish Higher or similar level. These will also be of use to first year undergraduates studying biology.
We are committed to supporting and encouraging the study of biology at primary, secondary and tertiary levels across the UK, working in coordination with our member organisations and with the broader ...
Join us for the RSB's first ever virtual science festival! Since we are all staying home a lot more, we launched our first ever online science festival, bringing a range of videos, activities, games ...
If you have been awarded a degree containing at least 50% biology in the final two years of study, or have a minimum of three years’ experience working in a full-time biology related position, you are ...
On this page, you'll find some useful links to help you - from GCSEs to university and beyond.
Some fungal species appear to be able to use strong radiation as an energy source for growth. Tom Ireland explores the exciting potential of these understudied organisms In the late 1980s Ukrainian ...
Attending a face to face training course can develop your skills and knowledge and provide opportunities for you to network and learn from others. Below is a list of the RSB training topics, subject ...
Jen provides support to the chief executive, council and senior management team and manages human resources. Mark is responsible for overall strategy of the RSB’s membership and activities relating to ...