Four bioscience winners were selected from 30 finalists at the annual STEM for BRITAIN competition for early career ...
Welcome to the RSB's A-Z of the Biosciences video series! Each video focusses on a different area of biology, with our biologists sharing the highlights of their work. Each video has details of the ...
Nicola Hemmings examines the numerous factors that influence a sperm's chances of fertilising an egg The Biologist 62(4) p18-21 A sperm's journey from insemination to fertilisation can be likened to ...
What is a memory game? Images of everyday objects chosen by bioscience researchers are featured in the game. Test your group's observational skills and short term memory recall, and see how many ...
The Royal Society of Biology has partnered with Defra to deliver a series of plant health networking events and workshops aiming to develop a diverse community from across the sector and build UK ...
The Industry Skills Certificate is a new initiative by the Royal Society of Biology, designed to support the employability of scientists into industry, either for the first time or from academia. The ...
Winner: Jiyoo Erin Lee, age 10, from Seoul Foreign School, South Korea Highly commended: Eugene Han, age 11, from Seoul Foreign School, South Korea Highly commended: Jasmine Wills, age 11, from ...
In May 2016 Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys FRS Hon FRSB, inventor of DNA fingerprinting, shared his inspiring story with Dr Alison Woollard FRSB and an audience of over 300 people at a special ...
Beth Shapiro, chief scientist at the de-extinction start-up Colossal, talks to Tom Ireland about the science and ethics of recreating long-lost species in a lab Professor Beth Shapiro is an ...
The Royal Society of Biology's training programme supports biologists who want to gain the skills to accelerate their career development Since the training programme began in October 2014, a wide ...
The National STEM Centre has created a STEM careers resources database, which brings together several existing catalogues of STEM careers materials. This database provides STEM careers information for ...