The editorial project Now More Than Ever marks the third edition of the Fight for Kindness non-profit campaign.
We couldn’t be happier with the production of Support Independent Type II! It not only celebrates the vibrant world of independent type design, it beautifully showcases the craftsmanship and high ...
Now25” is an annual Graphic Design and Typography conference in Paris bringing together art directors, graphic designers, ...
Once again this year, Mut zur Wut with it’s 13th edition is deliberately turning public space into a stage for visual ...
Road works is an experimental & variable typeface based on the unpredictable nature of road cracks. This font serves as a visual exploration of our ever-changing environment, drawing endless ...
Gonzaï made a strong statement with the cover of its third edition, a political and feminist issue, Gonzaï Journal #3.
The recently published book Design als Haltung (“Design as an attitude”) by Ulrike Brückner and Bianca Herlo demonstrates that design is much more than advertising, editorial work, and aesthetics.
The concept of Base Pixel was born from a simple but exciting idea: exploring the connection between ancient stone carved inscriptions and the digital type we see on screens today. The new typeface ...
The exhibition Palast des typografischen Mauerwerks (“Palace of Typographic Masonry”) at Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt, that started in February 2025, opens a multifaceted view of the ...