Social, digital and financial inclusion through informal adult learning. We offer free basic digital skills training throughout Stockport. Visit What's on in Stockport for details about our free ...
This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please note that the dates and times are correct at the time of publication.
Station Road, Marple located centrally 10.5 metres northeast from the projected northeastern kerbline of Hollins Green Road with a controlled parking area of 47 metres. Station Road, Marple located ...
All meetings take place at the council offices, and have an option to attend online. The Walking and Cycling Forum was launched in September 2019 and builds on the success of the borough's cycle user ...
Properties in England are put into one of 8 bands, A to H, depending on the price they would have sold for in April 1991. You can check your property band on the GOV.UK website. Bands are set by the ...
Promoting businesses, employment and the regeneration of Stockport. Do you own a business and want an easy way to look after your employees? Get our friendly team in to give them a free heart health ...
Use compostable food waste liners in your food caddy. Do not use biodegradable plastic bags from supermarkets as they breakdown into little bits of plastic and are not compostable. Recycling your ...
Walkaday is a scheme that offers friendly walks exploring parks and green spaces. The aim is to encourage people who are new to walking by offering leisurely walks through some of the borough's best ...
Find out about the history of the Air Raid Shelters. Use our calendar to find out what's on at the Air Raid Shelters.
Hat Works factory floor tours are now available on selected dates. Visit Art Tickets for dates and times.
The government announced a new business rates relief scheme in October 2021 to provide business rates relief on occupied retail, hospitality and leisure properties. This will be applied after any ...
Find information about Stockport Art Gallery and War Memorial. Use our calendar to find out what's on at Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery.