He lives in a makeshift shelter at the Bankhead Avenue Bridge on the outskirts of downtown Atlanta, his face is careworn.
Feb. 17 is Presidents Day. A friend and I were talking about presidents when he said that so many of them were senators, representatives or governors and wondered if any ...
Contact your veterinarian or pet poison hotline as soon as possible. Be prepared to tell them how much your dog approximately ...
Hugh Conlon, retired University of Tennessee Extension area specialist, speaker and author, will present “Rethink Your House ...
Take a soil sample for testing if not done in the last three to five years. This is a good way to determine the amendments ...
Lush, green plants have the power to transform a space, imparting character, warmth and charm. And there is no space I can ...
Why does Black History Month matter? This question does not imply that white history does not matter. It simply recognizes ...
Our thanks to Richard Currie and Jane Treadway for sending us these pictures of birds and squirrels in winter.
David Carroll is a Chattanooga news anchor. His new book “I Won’t Be Your Escape Goat” is available from his website, Chattanooga RadioTV.com. You may contact him at 900 Whitehall Road, Chattanooga, ...
Contributed by Judy Ayers: 2008 Toyota Solara convertible.
Are we headed for a constitutional crisis? Maybe.
Former President Joe Biden left a terrible legacy: the border catastrophe, chaos and disorder abroad, increased crime, oppressive wokeness. But for today's purposes, consider the damage done by Biden' ...