311 provides residents, businesses and visitors with easy access to non-emergency City services, programs and information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 311 can offer assistance in more than 180 ...
The City of Toronto is reviewing the business licensing and zoning rules for pet establishments that work with and/or keep live animals on their premises. This could include businesses that offer ...
For automated speed enforcement tickets with a violation date on or before January 19, 2025, use Court Case Lookup to pay, dispute or check current status. For penalty orders with a violation date of ...
A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is made up of commercial and industrial property owners and their non-residential tenants who join together under a volunteer Board of Management (BIA Board) to carry ...
As of the end of December 2024, there were 41,932 active employees in the Toronto Public Service. The following charts provide a breakdown of employee counts by union affiliation and employee status.
Animal Shelters are open to the public by appointment only for emergencies, adoption, pet redemption, pet surrender and fostering. Please call 416-338-PAWS during the hours of 10:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Outlined below is important information regarding the terms and conditions of accessing and using online services offered through the domain https://www.toronto.ca and the Toronto Water and Toronto ...
Before you buy a property you may wish to ensure that any existing front yard parking facility is properly licensed. Note that the license does not follow the property, but that a new property owner ...
Sports field at Apted Park. The City is improving Apted Park. The design will be developed through community engagement and is proposed to include a skatepark, volleyball court, a multipurpose sports ...
The Vision Zero Road Safety Plan is a comprehensive action plan focused on reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries on Toronto’s streets. The Plan prioritizes the safety of our most ...
A Municipal Road Damage Deposit (MRDD) permit, is a written and financial commitment from a property owner to submit a deposit with the City as a guarantee against damage to the curb, sidewalk, road, ...
You can subscribe to City of Toronto e-updates on a variety of topics. Choose from the list below and follow the instructions to subscribe. You can also unsubscribe from an e-update at any time. News ...