Sports field at Apted Park. The City is improving Apted Park. The design will be developed through community engagement and is proposed to include a skatepark, volleyball court, a multipurpose sports ...
For automated speed enforcement tickets with a violation date on or before January 19, 2025, use Court Case Lookup to pay, dispute or check current status. For penalty orders with a violation date of ...
*Annual fee calculated as flat rate per space.**Area 1: Bounded on the east by the east side of Jarvis Street, on the north by the north side of Bloor Street East and West, on the west by the west ...
Animal Shelters are open to the public by appointment only for emergencies, adoption, pet redemption, pet surrender and fostering. Please call 416-338-PAWS during the hours of 10:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
The City of Toronto, with funding from the Government of Canada, secured and protected homes as well as the Propeller Art Gallery at 38 Abell St., previously under the management of Toronto Artscape ...
Toronto loves food. That’s no surprise – we are located in the midst of some of Canada’s most fertile agricultural land and count the culinary diversity of world amongst our greatest strengths. In an ...
The City of Toronto is reviewing the business licensing and zoning rules for pet establishments that work with and/or keep live animals on their premises. This could include businesses that offer ...
As of November 26, 2024, the taxicab stand outside the west end of Union Station on the south side of Front St. W (from the west door to 15 m east of York St.) will temporarily move to the east end of ...
Music-related grants and funds administered by public and private organizations. Please check all submission deadlines directly on each organization’s website. FACTOR FACTOR (Foundation to Assist ...
Interested in becoming a volunteer with Live Green Toronto? Sign up now and you will receive a notification closer to our next new volunteer information session. The next volunteer recruitment is ...
311 provides residents, businesses and visitors with easy access to non-emergency City services, programs and information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 311 can offer assistance in more than 180 ...