Figuring out what finances could be available to you when going to university can be confusing. Let us help you make it easy with a step-by-step guide to understanding loans, bursaries and ...
International relations scholars ask questions about how the world works today. Historians decode the past to make sense of the present. When studied together, these complementary disciplines can give ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field in computing sciences focused on developing intelligent systems that solve real-world problems by learning from human intelligence and ...
Developing a Feminist Approach to Film Archive Metadata and Cataloguing ...
Genomic data analysis for disease prevention and personalised treatment. This means you’ll gain an understanding of how data science is applied directly within the context of your chosen subject.
Have a different idea? Reach out to one of our academic staff (see the research group list below). We welcome your input and can collaborate to design a project aligned with your interests. Apply to a ...
Data is fast becoming the biggest asset in the hands of policymakers. Data analysis, insights, and problem-solving are the engines that will fuel tomorrow’s world and your career within it. If you’re ...
Breast cancer cases globally are on the increase. In 2011, Norwich Medical School, with support from the Royal College of Surgeons (England), Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), British Association ...
Do you have a specific research topic in mind that isn’t listed here? Contact one of our academics (see the research group list below) to discuss your ideas. We’re always eager to collaborate and ...
Join the HE Advice team and Gemma Ebbage (UEA Wellbeing Training Manager) to learn more about what our student support team can offer. Gemma will give you an overview of everything the team can ...