The Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children is partnering with Ulster University to highlight issues affecting children and adults with Down Syndrome.
This course is taught online so you can study where you want, when you want. The Postgraduate Diploma in Cataract and Refractive Surgery is now in its 18th year. It was originally conceived and ...
I recently completed an MSc in Business Improvement. It was a fantastic experience that has significantly shaped both my ...
This programme provides pharmacy students with an opportunity to build skills in finding best practice in health and social care, and to develop their teaching and presenting skills through sharing ...
Your BRP is a very important document. It is a form of identification, proof of your immigration permission to be in the UK, proof of your right to study and work in the UK, and allows you to travel ...
Supporting families when a significant adult has cancer with caring responsibilities for dependent children (<18 years old) ...
Ulster is leading the way in research and knowledge translation in supporting older people and their families.
The available evidence base indicates that multiple oppositions is a promising intervention with probable efficacy for creating system-wide change that increases speech intelligibility in children ...
We have received funding from the National Institute for Health Research (Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme) of £2 ...
Ulster University Project funded by Marie Curie exploring the role of Health Care Assistants within out-of-hours community ...
Information on target selection for the conventional minimal pairs, multiple oppositions and complexity approaches ...
Download the latest Neurodevelopmental and Intellectual Disabilities Research Reports. Appendix 1: Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities in Study in the UK (opens in new window) (458.9 KB) ...