Toto’s Steve Lukather has addressed the recent story in Dutch newspaper De Telegraah which stated he was making a new Van Halen album with Alex Van Halen.
震惊乐坛!Eddie Van Halen离世后,Van Halen乐队传来令人振奋的消息!荷兰《电讯报》报道,乐队鼓手Alex Van Halen正在制作一张疑似新专辑,而著名吉他手Steve Lukather将参与其中,这一消息让无数摇滚乐迷激动不已。
在摇滚乐迷心中,Van Halen乐队始终占有一席之地,而近日的消息更是让粉丝们为之一振。这支传奇乐队的鼓手Alex Van Halen在接受采访时透露,他们正在筹备新专辑,这一消息无疑是对乐迷们的巨大惊喜。对于正在进行这一项目的Alex,谁能比Steve Lukather更合适来助力他呢?
With rumors spreading about Steve Lukather working with Alex Van Halen on Van Halen material, the musician decided to set the ...
He was referring to Williams’ Hyde Park show last summer during which he had a ‘90s section’. In addition to reprising Blur’s ...