3月6日,记者在“Talking to the World友城跨文化交流项目”发布仪式上获悉,2024年徐州接待入境过夜旅游人数达到5.3万人次, 同比增长82.3%。 此次“Talking to the World”项目旨在向世界展现徐州的文脉氤氲 ...
新华网北京3月7日电 全国两会期间,针对近期网上热议的“癌症年轻化”问题,新华网记者采访了全国政协委员、中国医学科学院肿瘤医院主任医师赵宏。
2月22日,薛凯琪在演唱会上talking环节多次落泪,粉丝以为是歌曲的情感触动了她纷纷安慰她。 就在今天,赋音乐公司宣布了华语歌手方大同的死讯,声称其于2月21日凌晨因病去世,年仅41岁,网友仿佛突然理解了,可能她早就知道了好朋友方大同去世的消息。
In today's episode of "Foreign Voices on China's Two Sessions," we hear from expats about their thoughts on innovation and digital services in China. Join us as they share their experiences on topics ...
In today's episode of "Foreign Voices on China's Two Sessions," we hear from expats about their thoughts on the consumption environment in China. Join us as they share their experiences on topics ...