VCT Masters Bangkok is less than one week away as the eight best VALORANT teams around the world look to becoem the very ...
Have you ever craved a 'crispy' title for your playercard? Here's how VALORANT players can secure Twitch drops from Masters ...
Here are all the details on the longest VALORANT pro match since 2021.
下半场G2防守先驰得点赢下手枪局,TE在第15回合的奖励局赢下拿到下半场首分。第16回合TE打A,在树屋被打掉两个,剩下三人被G2夹击打出完美团灭。第19回合TE打C蝰蛇开大安包,G2回防面对LuoK1ng的直架没有操作机会。第20回合G2的ECO局 ...
VALORANT's Game Changers circuit had a stellar year in 2024 with its first player ascending into the VCT circuit and its ...
It's the first international tournament of the year. Here's the schedule, format, and everything you need to know.
就在不久之前,2025无畏契约冠军巡回赛CN联赛启点赛(下文简称:启点赛)在上海落幕。从败者组杀出的EDG在决赛上以3:1的总比分战胜TE,拿下冠军头衔。与此同时,两支队伍也将代表VCT CN参加即将开打的曼谷大师赛。
上半场TL比赛开始拿到3分,EDG只赢下第3回合的奖励分,经济见底在第5回合进行存钱,康康通过正义拿到首杀捡枪,完成一波四杀翻盘。第7回合EDG在B大被打掉三个,B点无法突破,EDG选择保枪打下一回合。第9回合EDG打B安包,TL回防被EDG陆续打掉 ...
伦敦 - 风险投资信托公司Praetura Growth VCT plc周四宣布,根据其2024年11月8日发布的招股说明书,配发了316,804股新普通股。此次新发行的股份是响应一项可募集高达2000万英镑的认购要约,最新配股将计入2024/25纳税年度。
伦敦讯 - Puma Alpha VCT plc宣布首次配售1,031,231股普通股,此次发行计划募集高达1500万英镑,并附带500万英镑的超额配售选择权。根据2024年9月30日的资产净值,这些股票的发行价格在£1.0736至£1.1356之间。