I believe that most Americans have abandoned democracy because democracy ... Banner – can no longer sustain the stubborn myth of America that the gilded few serve at the behest and in the ...
In the mid-1920s, France’s wartime prime minister, Georges Clemenceau, was asked who future generations would blame for the ...
America can no longer be considered an ally of Europe,” said Dominique de Villepin, once France’s foreign minister and now ...
Donald Trump has shattered the principles on which the Western alliance rested, argues the former French president ...
Americans are foolish to believe that the sun will always shine on them. Without friends and democratic allies, America’s day ...
Ukraine still faces the implacable Russian enemy, whose leadership is determined to recreate the Tzars’ empire, especially by ...
A MUM has told how she ditched her three kids to join a cult in America. The Scot spent £3,000 on one-way plane tickets for the four of them to start a new life as followers of US ‘Mother God ...
A dog who was abandoned as Hurricane Milton hit Florida last October is overcoming new challenges and living up to his name — Trooper. Police said Trooper, a 5-year-old bull terrier, was dumped ...