In his 1863 Gettysburg Address, he argued that the war must lead to “a new birth of freedom” or it would have been fought in vain. Major Acts In practical terms, the achievements of Abraham Lincoln ...
In addition to being president, Abraham Lincoln was the post-master of New Salem; he also offered services as a wood chopper, county deputy surveyor, and lawyer. Abraham Lincoln was born in a one-room ...
I’m referring to Abraham Lincoln ... right to return to the Lincoln Memorial Shrine, Redlands’ monument to our 16th president, and reflect. It’s the only museum and archive west of the ...
Jackson will be interviewed by Ross Stanton Jordan, curator of the ALPLM’s “Freedom in Form” exhibition. At 2 p.m. the same ...
The exhibits help residents and visitors learn more about Abraham Lincoln, the nation's ... Normal by using the McLean County ...
Lincoln had struggled to heal the wounds of war, yet he became one of its last victims, and the war left the country no less divided. Abraham Lincoln grew up on the American frontier. Born in a ...