One by one the vehicles pull away towards other animals or to ... around that term." The African elephant in the room: is there such a thing as a true carbon-neutral safari?
There are hippo-themed lodges at the safari park, which are situated very close to the animals' enclosure - and offer ...
Vacations are all about how we want to make the most of the time we have. Different people have different ideas about how ...
These professional photographers and cinematographers are the really brave ones; they are in dangerous situations and have no ...
Deon Geldenhuys and his wife Kim Smith were shocked to discover an elephant had stopped by their house for a midnight snack.
Nestled in lush greenery by the most secluded edge of Lake Burley Griffin where it meets with the Molonglo, Jamala’s giraffes ...
Pilanesberg National Park is South Africa's most convenient reserve for hot air ballooning. The park hosts 7,000+ animals and ...
Any parent will know, there's no such thing as a long lie on holiday but luckily there's no time for that on this holiday - ...