安捷伦视界为您解锁 ICP-MS 分析技术的新高度 ... 新的一年,让我们携手共进,用知识的力量开启新的征程,创造更加辉煌的未来! Agilent 1290 Infinity III 生物在线液相色谱系统 Agilent GC 8850 气相色谱系统 Agilent 7010C 三重四极杆气质联用系统 Agilent 7000E 三重四极 ...
Agilent Technologies, with a market capitalization of $38.28 billion, reported a strong start to 2025, surpassing Wall Street's expectations in its Q1 earnings. The company posted an earnings per ...
Agilent J&W DB-5ms features an excellent signal ... DB-5ms is very low bleed, making it ideal for GC/MS.
GC/MSD builds on a tradition of providing the most trusted single-quadrupole GC/MS system. The ultra-efficient EI source maximizes the number of ions that are created and transferred out of the ...
Waters Corporation scientists recently examined how different mobile and stationary phases affect small interfering RNA (siRNA) duplex stability in liquid chromatography.
A fully automated thermal desorber, which utilizes flowing gas to extract a small heated solid or liquid sample, was coupled with GC–MS/MS to determine the concentration of trace level PAHs (3). Air ...
Shimadzu has launched a free online course on Troubleshooting in Liquid Chromatography. This six-week program is designed to help scientists, researchers, and laboratory professionals diagnose and ...
Our expert speaker will discuss the results of their research into the levels of leachates in root vegetables, illustrating how plastic-associated compounds were quantified using a novel static ...
Reliable analytical workflows are essential to ensure the safety and quality of our food and environment. However, laboratories often face challenges with precision, sensitivity and time efficiency, ...
"Design matters, even in highly technical fields." The Agilent GC/MS and LC/MS instruments - winners in the Industry/Skilled Trades category - are used for very precise food safety testing, ...