DOJ’s appeal has gone to the D.C. Circuit, which is dominated by Democrat-appointed judges likely to rule against Trump. From ...
Trump critics are hypocrites who didn't criticize Biden power grabs. They are also ignorant of major constitutional crises ...
Somewhat lost to history in our memory and mythology of the founding fathers is the fact that their optimism regarding their ...
Liberal scholars and observers quote Hamilton approvingly when liberal Democrats occupy the White House. When, however, ...
It took many centuries of advances, threats, retreats and a Civil War before the English Constitution secured for Parliament the appropriations power – the power of the purse w ...
It took many centuries of advances, threats, retreats and a Civil War before the English Constitution secured for Parliament ...
Some Democrats argue that what they need for the 2028 presidential election is a southern moderate like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton who won election-- or like Al Gore whose ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two senior federal judges, both appointed by Republican presidents, spoke out Tuesday against threats of ...
How anyone, even as great a political opponent of Trump as California’s newest U.S. senator, Adam Schiff, could sit on his ...
Trump has been gifted more power than he has taken. But now that he has accumulated so much authority through the weakness ...
President Donald Trump is attempting to revive the president’s constitutional authority to refuse to spend funds in discrete ...
While wars may start suddenly, they rarely happen without preparation (at least by one party), and preparation itself can cause (see World ... create a new model for a government based, as Alexander ...