This causes a smoky flame. Alkenes have a functional group C=C – the part of the molecule that takes part in reactions. Alkanes, in contrast, do not have a functional group and are less reactive ...
The bromination reactions and mechanisms are compared ... The rapid disappearance of the amber color of the bromine at room temperature is characteristic of reaction with alkenes. (colorless) (purple) ...
When the alcohols with the shortest hydrocarbon chains, eg methanol, ethanol or propanol, are added to water, they mix easily to produce a solution. However, the solubility decreases as the length ...
Organic chemistry is the study of the synthesis, structure, reactivity and properties of the diverse group of chemical compounds primarily constructed of carbon. All life on earth is carbon-based ...
This article provides a quick revision guide with all the important organic chemistry reactions for Class 12. Students can easily go through these reactions to revise them quickly and effectively.
This module builds on students' knowledge of the common functional groups within organic molecules that are responsible for many chemical reactions including aromatic rings, alkenes and carbonyls ...