BEIJING, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) — Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, is one of the most important traditional festivals in ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Trump loves to be admired by the elites, and he adores money. Musk has gotten the keys to the American kingdom so he can ...
(台北7日讯)由地球上最后的两只恐龙:暴龙与三角龙所组成的乐团“The Dinosaur's Skin 恐龙的皮”发行第一张概念专辑《I Dig You》深获乐迷喜爱,向来喜欢挑战不同的演出场域,日前特别选在“MUVIE CINEMAS ...
英语启蒙近3年,最开心的就是让娃爱上阅读、养成阅读习惯!从娃15个月开始每日亲子共读绘本,周末的时候一天最多读到70多本,即使上了一天班,累的想回家直接瘫倒,也没有停过亲子共读!我们家的书成山成堆,每天让孩子从书堆里面选,选了喜欢的之后,我就去读。阅 ...
1月1日晚,今年迎来30岁“生日”的上海豫园灯会正式亮灯。 今年的灯会延续了2024年“山海奇豫记”的主题,以“丛林篇”为新篇章,带来一场奇幻瑰丽的视觉盛宴。
L'ordine esecutivo di Trump che rinomina il Golfo del Messico in "Golfo d’America" solleva questioni storiche e geopolitiche.