በጃፓን የገንዘብ ሚኒስቴር ውስጥ የሚሠራ አንድ ሠራተኛ ከጓደኞቹ ጋር 'አንድ-ሁለት' ለማለት መሸታ ቤት በወጣበት ምሽት አንድ ወሳኝ ሰነድ ከእጁ በመጥፋቱ መሥሪያ ቤቱ ይቅርታ ጠየቀ። ስሙ በውል ...
ቢሊየነሩኢሎን መስክ በወጪ ቅነሳ ስም የአሜሪካ ፌዴራል መሥሪያ ቤቶችን በኃይል በቁጥጥር ሥር አላዋልኩም አለ። መስክ ይህን ያለው ትናንት በዋይት ሐውስ ከሕጻን ልጁ ጋር በድንገት ተገኝቶ ከፕሬዝዳንት ...
Since Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in 2018 on a reform ticket, the country’s army has been battling ...
Type 2 diabetes is a progressive, chronic disease that prevents a person's body from properly using glucose (sugar). People with type 2 diabetes usually have insulin resistance and features of ...
Each stage builds on previous lessons, introducing new letters as you progress and giving you plenty of touch type practice. You’ll soon be touch typing like an expert! At the end of each level ...
The study ricocheted around the world. Almost 200 news stories promoted the idea that we remember things better when we write them down by hand instead of typing. It confirmed what many of us ...
Key statistics and data about the demographic, geographic and economic characteristics of the U.S. Black population.
The code has been copied to your clipboard. The URL has been copied to your clipboard ...
Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition in which blood sugar issues show up gradually. It consists of 4 stages: insulin resistance, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes with vascular ...
Not only is it reasonably priced, but it’s lightweight, comfortable to use, and delivers a great typing experience. With multi-connectivity options and a 36-hour battery life, you also get the ...